Lifesaving Instructor
The Lifesaving Instructor course prepares instructors to teach the Lifesaving Society's:
Canadian Swim Patrol Program
Bronze Star, Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross
Lifesaving Fitness, Distinction
Basic and Emergency First Aid, and CPR-A, CPR-B and CPR-C
Prerequisites:16 years of age by the end of the course; Bronze Cross certification.
The Lifesaving Instructor course is generally offered once in the swim season. Contact HCPS for further details on dates and prices.
National Lifeguard certification is Canada's professional lifeguard standard. National Lifeguard training develops a sound understanding of lifeguarding principles, good judgment, and a mature and responsible attitude towards the lifeguard's role. National Lifeguard training emphasizes prevention and effective rescue response in emergencies including first aid treatment. Candidates develop teamwork, leadership and communication skills. Fitness requirements include a timed object recovery, 50 m sprint challenge, 50 m rescue drill and 400 m endurance challenge.
The National Lifeguard training program is designed for lifesavers who wish to obtain a responsible job and leadership experience. Successful candidates are certified by the Lifesaving Society – Canada's lifeguarding experts.
Prerequisites: Minimum 15 years of age, Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid from one of: Lifesaving Society, St. John Ambulance, Canadian Red Cross, Canadian Ski Patrol.
The NL course is not offered at HCPS. Once per year in the spring, we do offer the recertification which is required to be done every two years. Parks and Rec departments in Burlington, Oakville and Mississauga offer this course. Check for dates that work with your schedule.
The Lifesaving Society certifies Bronze Examiners. Examiner candidates are experienced Lifesaving Instructors who undergo specific training in examination standards and apprenticeship. Bronze Examiners are empowered to certify Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross candidates.
Lifesaving Instructors should first gain experience teaching Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross before applying for Examiner status.
Prerequisites:Lifesaving Instructor certification; taught or co-taught at least one Bronze Medallion or one Bronze Cross course.
Examiner course:Successful completion of the Lifesaving Society Examiner course.
Apprenticeship:Successful apprenticeship on one Bronze Medallion or one Bronze Cross examination with a current Bronze Examiner who is an Examiner Mentor, and submission of the completed Examiner Training Record to the Society's office.
Heather was appointed as an Examiner Mentor by the Lifesaving society in 2019. If you are interested in becoming a Bronze examiner contact Heather.